Sims Social Hack Tool No Survey Bringing in that second pair of eyes early can prevent a lot of spurious reports. Sometimes the second party is able to identify that the behavior is not a bug, or is fixed in recent releases. Or she may be familiar with the symptoms from a previous issue, and can prevent a duplicate filing by pointing the user to the older issue. Often it’s enough just to ask the user "Did you search the bug tracker to see if it's already been reported?" Many people simply don't think of that, Sims Social Hack Tool No Survey yet are happy to do the search once they know someone’s expecting them to. The buddy system can really keep the issue database clean, but it has some disadvantages too. Many people will file solo anyway, either through not seeing, or through disregarding, the instructions to find a buddy for new issues. Thus it is still necessary for volunteers to watch the issue database, Furthermore, because most new reporters don't understand how difficult the task of maintaining the issue database is, Sims Social Hack Tool No Survey it's not fair to chide them too harshly for ignoring the guidelines.